Sunday, October 1, 2017

Legit Side Hustle For SCE Customers

Are you looking for an easy way to make money? Do you need to cut unnecessary spending from your budget? One of the easiest ways to is to save energy at home. It is as easy as unplugging appliances and devices you are not using them. Participating in power challenges is another way to save and is as easy as major appliances and turning off the lights. It's an easy way to conserve energy. You are going to save power you so you are going to save money. If you connect your southern California Edison account to OHM Connect, who have partnered together and take part by just clicking a link on your email and participating in power hour challenges you can make money.

Who is throwing away free money? I remember to turn off my lights or just go out run my errands for one hour of the evening once a week and I have earned money. I also save money on my SCE bill. If you enroll and you get people to start signing up under you as a referral once they hit platinum status which means they are participating in power hours you get $20 as a reward. They pay you through PayPal. You can cash out when your balance reaches $10 or greater. The money is sent to you by PayPal instantly. There's no waiting. There's no check-cashing. The money will be in your hands instantly.
I do not get why people are on this bandwagon already. Take today, for example, power hour is from 1 to 2 PM like it is for today. Now it is effortless I could just decide to sit in the living room with the window open and read a book and not run anything. I could even leave my house. If you are a working person just unplug any non-crucial appliance at that is drawing power and go off to work. You barely have to do anything.

Participating once or twice a week and the money will start rolling in. I have already made over $100 from this website, and I have barely done a thing. Not to mention the fact every time I take part in this my electric bill goes down for that week. Like I said before Southern California Edison partnered with OHM connect. You link your account it is that easy. You simply have to click on the link when they send the power hour emails. Then conserve that is all you need to do why are you wasting money? Go here to enroll and receive your bonus.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

How To Get More Istagram Followers

Is your Instagram account just not growing? Have you tried apps that schedule your posts? Insta follow loops are a flop? Thought about buying followers? Stop wasting your time. Gaining more followers is easy.

You just can't earn them from an app or a loop. It takes work. So here is the secret. 

Follow people who are following your competitors! Yes, I just said that right. Support the people that like their posts. Follow those who comment. Do not follow all of their followers. Follow the followers who like the same things you do; this means looking at hundreds if not thousands of profiles. It is intense work. Following some of their supporters in hopes, they will follow you could result in people who unfollow quickly. You want people who will like your pictures. You want followers who will interact with your account. You need active engagement. 

Not just followers. 

Many influencers/bloggers purchase their supporters, and we all use different apps that help us track our supporters. We know who is following us and unfollowing us. We live and die by numbers.

Monitor your competition, you might be similar accounts, and you might be friends with them.   You are going to have to keep up with them. Instagram and Twitter can be vicious. People will follow and unfollow in hopes of you noticing them and following them. People will block you for unfollowing them. It is hard work. Do not be like that. You want real followers and genuine engagement. Therefore, if you want people to notice you, you have to make them find you. 

If I like someone and they are active on social media, I want them to like me, so I must engage with them on social media. I am going to like their posts, and I will comment. If you have many followers, it's a lot of work. You have to care about them. Being unauthentic will lead to failure.
I love my followers. They are the reason I take pictures, and they are why I write reviews. I want them to be happy. They give me a purpose. I will answer private messages. I will give them my tips. I look for followers that are people I want to follow. I follow people who I would befriend in real life. 

Follow loops work for some, but it's other bloggers who are participating not your target audience. Padding your numbers is just not smart. Besides that, your audience hates those type of posts. 

You could participate in promotional Facebook groups. However, the followers you get from that may unfollow, and they are a lot of work. Another point; the people who follow you from these likely are not following you because they want to. They may not engage with your account. 

These groups help, but in my opinion, you're better off earning followers from the effort on your part. These groups can help get you started and give you support, but cannot sustain you. You need authentic followers who like you for you. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

How To Increase Your Traffic With StumbleUpon

Many Bloggers do not even know what StumbleUpon is. I get about 50% of my traffic from StumbleUpon. Last night I had over 20 blog views within minutes from StumbleUpon, and it was after midnight.

StumbleUpon is similar to Pinterest. They recommend content to users who can increase your traffic.

The downside there is a dislike button. So make sure your blog post has no grammatical errors or pop-up ads.

Start Stumbling great content.

Many Facebook blogger support groups include StumbleUpon threads that will enable you to have your post Stumbled many times. That increases your reach.

Start following other Stumblers that post content you like. StumbleUpon is a social media website after all. Make sure to like their posts. Create lists and add blog posts you love to them and add a few of yours.

Stumbling is a breeze in the Chrome browser there is an add-on that enables you to Stumble even if the page does not have a StumbleUpon Button.

You are doing yourself a real disservice if you do not have a StumbleUpon Button on your blog in the toolbar. Many blogger networking and sharing groups do StumbleUpon promos, and when you do not have a stumble button, this is annoying to other bloggers who have to Stumble your post manually.

When you start blogging, you have to network with other bloggers, or you won't make it. Rarely do any blogs become successful overnight. You must participate in sharing groups if you don't have a Stumble button and a blogger with 10,000 subscribers decides to skip your post because of this your only hurting your self.

StumbleUpon works best when many users stumble your content. So do not post in the same Stumble threads in the same group every day or your visibility could decrease. Join multiple promotional groups and rotate the days you post your StumbleUpon link in each one.

It also helps to know when to Stumble your blog. I live in California, and I've noticed when I post at two am here when its five am on the east coast I get more organic StumbleUpon clicks. Try Stumbling at various times of the day to see which is best for your blog.

Early in the morning, how to posts seem to do well. I posted on how to look Fab in Five, and it exploded. Recipes for some do well around five when people are getting off work and planning dinner.

Now you know my tips. Use the Stumble button and add-on. Find out when to Stumble your particular niche. Follow others and interact with them. Join Facebook promotional groups that will get you a head start on Stumbling.

Go ahead and start Stumbling.